Monday, November 16, 2015

TED-Ed: Superhero Science and more cool topics

Superhero Science is a playlist of science lessons published by TED-Ed. The lessons in the playlist feature explanations of what would happen in various scenarios if you had superhero powers like flight, strength, and speed. Each lessons explains the mathematics and science of scenarios frequently found in superhero stories. For example, in the lesson on strength we learn what would happen if a superhero did catch someone falling from the top of a skyscraper.

On that same link, there is alist of all the other TED-Ed lesson series that are available.  Some fantastic stuff!
Actions and Reactions
Animation Basics
Awesome Nature
Before and After Einstein
Behind the Curtain
Click You Fortune
Cyber-Influence & Power
Discovering the Deep
Ecofying Citites
Everyone Has a Story
Exploring Theories
Getting Under Our Skin
Government: Declassified
How Things Work
Ingenuity in the Developing World
Inventions that Shape History
Making the Invisible Visible
Mastering Tech Artistry
Math in Real Life
Mind Matters
Mysteries of Vernacular
Our Changing Climate
Out of This World
Periodic Videos
Playing with Language
Questions No One (Yet) Knows the Answers To
Reading Between the Lines
The Artist's Palette
The Big Questions
The Way We Think
The World's People and Places
The Writer's Workshop
Things they Don't Teach in School (But Should)
Troubleshooting the World
Visualizing Data
What Will You Do with Your Life?
You Are What You Eat
You Graduated... Now What?

If you have never used TED-Ed before, if you create a FREE teacher account, you can customize the questions and activities that go with the videos and you can assign them to your students.

Let me know if you are interested in learning more about it.  I’d be happy to help set it up.

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