Monday, November 9, 2015

Random Name Pickers and Group Making Tools

If you're looking for Random Name Pickers or Group Making Tools, check these out...

Google Drive Options
You can make a copy of a Google Sheet that will do this for you here: Article with directions
You can use to create one as well: Article with directions
There is also a Google Template for generating groups: Google Template

Website Options
There is a website ( that lets you input names and spin a virtual wheel to have a name randomly selected from the list.  After a name is selected you can remove it from the wheel so that it is not selected again.  This website is free to use and doesn’t require registration to use.  You can save your lists by assigning passwords to them.  You can re-use your saved lists.
The Random Name Picker was written in HTML5 so that it will run in the browser of your iPad too.
This could be a fun way to select the order in which students will present to classmates.

The website ( has several tools for teachers, but it does require a free account. 
The good thing is that once you’ve created your class lists, you can use them in all of their applications which include a SeatingChart Maker, RandomName Generator, and even a ClassroomGroup Maker.
This works in the browser of all devices too!

App Options
As far as apps go, I personally like things that can be used across platforms, but here is a list of installable iTunes apps that can be used for this purpose.  Many of the apps, unlike the websites above, are sadly not free:  Student Selector & Grouping Apps
Kagan also has several tools in iTunes (Name Selector, Student Selector, Timers, and Spinners).  Naturally, these are also paid.:

Here are two free apps for Android: 
Group Picker Express
Random Student Picker

TechTator Pinterest Page
Just a reminder to everyone that the DLCs in the district have created a Pinterest board with app and website suggestions divided into folders for easy location:

There is also always the old popsicle in the jar. 

Thanks to Kristy McCoy (DLC for Pioneer Heritage and Stafford) for compiling this list!

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