Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October: National Cyber Security Awareness Month

As educators, it's our responsibility to talk with our students about cyber security and digital presence. Below are helpful resources and formal lessons that you can use in your class, but not all discussions about cyber security and digital presence need to be formal ones. Even reminding students to be careful and think before they post something counts!

Helpful websites:'s Middle & High School
Common Sense Education's Digital Literacy & Citizenship
Stop Think Connect guide
YouTube's Copyright resources

Handouts and video:
9-12 Grade Tip Sheet
NET CETERA's Guide to Chatting with Kids about Being Online
Cybersafety video

Lessons (10-20 minutes each)
Go to... Eduphoria's Forethought
Scope & Sequence (#1)
High School: Digital Citizenship: Digital Citizenship Lessons (#2)
Select the topic (#3)
Select the related resources (#4)
Look through the lesson and attachments (#5)

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