Tuesday, October 14, 2014

LOTE/Fine Arts Social and Library/Tech Expo Invite

 (If you don't see this video <---, use Chrome)

You are ALL invited to this year’s LOTE/Fine Arts Social and Library/Tech Expo!
Where: CHS Library
When: Friday, October 31st during your conference period

Stop by during your Conference Period to vote in the Monster Maker contest, check out a few library/technology tools and eat lots of yummy food!
Check out this short video invitation.

Monster Maker contest (optional) Awards will be given
Create a 2D (flat) monster on either a half or a full sized piece of paper:
From a Website:
Monster University: Monster Creator (download profile or full body)
The Troop: Monster Creator (print to Cute PDF Writer)
Old School: use printer paper, construction paper, pencil, crayons, paint, etc.
Submit: Put a full or half sheet sized version in Penney Matos’s box by Wed, Oct. 29. (Email the digital version to her to print in color)

Vote in the Library on Fri, Oct. 31:
  • scariest
  • silliest
  • friendliest
  • most bizarre

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