Friday, December 6, 2019

Technology is a classroom TOOL, just like a pencil or textbook

At this morning's faculty learning meeting, I was reminded again that many staff members believe that I believe that technology is always the solution and that restricting student access to technology is always a bad thing. 
That can't be farther from the truth.

Technology is a classroom TOOL, just like a dictionary, textbook, pencil, etc. There are times that it's appropriate to use and times that it's not. 

When talking with teachers and administrators about options for coming lessons, if technology isn't a good fit for the learning outcome, I'll tell you! Every year I tell at least one person that it's not a good fit for what they're trying to accomplish. 

Technology can engage students in different ways. 
Technology can assist students in learning when they're ready.
Technology can give students control over the pace of their learning.
Technology can assist higher levels of thinking and in skills needed to be "future-ready".
Technology is not always an appropriate fit.

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