Monday, November 18, 2019

Eduphoria's Bumper Sticker Contest

Two of the most recent past winners are from Frisco ISD!
2017 - Kristy McCoy (Staley MS's DLC)
2018 - Carol Gross (former Cen10 News teacher; current Memorial HS animation teacher)

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The 2020 Bumper Sticker Contest has begun!
For 16 years, Eduphorians like you have crafted a variety of witty Bumper Sticker Slogans and we can't wait to see this year's submissions. The winning slogan will not only be printed and distributed during local and national conferences, but it will also be a part of Eduphoria History.

What's in it for you?
The winner will receive a $250 Amazon Gift Card, 100 Bumper Stickers with their winning slogan on it, and infinite bragging rights!

Previous Winning Slogans -
2019 - I teach for the Money and Fame.
2018 - I Came. I Taught. I'm Still at School.
2017 - You Had Me at Jeans Pass!

Think you have the 2020 Winning Slogan?

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