Monday, October 21, 2019

Analytics in Canvas

Did you know that Canvas has a lot of very helpful analytics built inside it? You should take some time to poke around and see what you can find! You can see how active your students are in your course, check on their progress, and if assessments are given and graded through Canvas, the analytics can be very helpful in documenting what's going on! (Think SLO goal.)

Video: Course and Student Analytics Overview (4:08)

Module Tracking

If you set up completion requirements on Modules, click View Progress on top of the Modules list to see what requirements are still required for each student. Read more.

General Analytics

On the Home page in your Shell course, click View Course Analytics on the right side to view general analytics for your course. Read more.

Student Activity

Click on a Student's name (from People, Grades, Analytics, etc) to pop-out a tray on the right with a summary of that student's activity in the course. This view includes: last login, number of missing and late assignments, scores for the most recently graded items, and a link to the student's analytics.

Student Access Report

Click on the student's name from that pop-out tray then select Access Report on the right. You can see when the students was active in your course

Analytics Beta

If you activate Analytics Beta in your course, you can see even more helpful data!

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