Monday, September 16, 2019

Canvas Blueprints should NOT have dates

As you build in your Canvas Blueprint and sync it out to the Shell courses, please make sure your Blueprint does NOT include dates. If these dates remain, when we switch from S1 to S2, all of the items with dates (calendar events, assignments, to-do items, etc.) will repopulate on the Syllabus page for all of your students! Ack! 

So, if something in the Blueprint has a date associated with it, make sure all teachers assign the correct due dates/times for each of their classes then go back to the Blueprint and remove the dates or calendar event. Since it was edited for the Shell courses, it no longer syncs that item and will keep the specific dates entered for each section. 

If this doesn't make sense to you or if you have any question, please see Penney Matos!

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