Monday, April 30, 2018

Non-Googleable Questions

Students Googling answers is a world-wide issue. Take a look at this publication from Government of South Africa’s Department for Education and Child Development on creating non-Googleable questions. Take a look through the whole thing. There's some good stuff in there! 


This summer you might be planning on a trip that includes time in the outdoors. If so, check out iNaturalist, an online community for sharing pictures and observations of animals and plants. Take pictures of your findings and post them to their collection. You can also explore through their free app (iTunes, Google Play). Enjoy your summer as a Citizen Scientist!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sound Effects and Music

As students work on multimedia assignments they could likely be in need of music or sound effects to enhance their work. Here are a few resources:

Keep in mind that background music is not covered under Fair Use when you're using copyrighted music, like songs you purchased. Instead, stick to audio found through the resources above or what is already included in the editing software/website/app that you're using. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Don't let your students make bad presentations!

As a part of preparing our students for the world they are headed into, we should teach them how to make GOOD presentations. Slides full of text = BAD presentations!

Tips for most presentations:

  • Use as little text as possible- tell us what we should to know
  • No sentences (or nearly sentences), unless it's a quote- if we read it, we won't remember any of it
  • Make images as large as possible
  • Use a single large image instead of multiple small ones
  • If using note cards, they should be in bullet point format and not scripted
  • PRACTICE!!!! 


For Teachers:
To make it easier to grade, have students create and turn in 2 products: 

  1. a Google Slides presentation (based on the tips above) that will be presented live in class, and 
  2. a Google Doc that includes all of the content, research, sources, etc. that you're looking for in the rubric. You can quickly grade the content from that Google Doc and the audience won't be bored to tears with a bad classroom presentation.

Please see your DLC (Penney Matos at CHS) for additional tips and support!

Monday, April 2, 2018

Google's URL Shortener ( is shutting down

Google is shutting down their URL shortener, Read more. Instead, use one of these alternatives: