Monday, November 28, 2016

What is a Twitter Chat anyway?

The evening of Wednesday, November 16, Frisco ISD held our first ever Twitter Chat under the hashtag #FISDchat. With over 50 participants for our first attempt, it was pretty successful. The discussions were great between the professionals who contributed but Centennial HS didn't have much representation. There will be more Twitter Chats later this school year. We'll send out the schedule once it's set.

What is a Twitter Chat?
Twitter chats, sometimes known as a Twitter party or a tweet chat, happen when a group of people all tweet about the same topic using a specific hashtag (#) that allows it to be followed on Twitter. The chats are at a specific time. 

Do you have to participate or can you just watch?
You don't have to participate but often as discussions progress you'll likely feel the urge to share your own thoughts and experiences. Set up a Twitter account and handle beforehand, just incase you want to contribute.

Resources. These may help you prepare for the next #FISDchat...

As always, you can ask me any questions you may have!

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