Monday, February 29, 2016

The Role of Feedback

Another good article from 4 O'Clock Faculty, this time on The Role of Feedback. I recommend reading this article and reflecting on the role feedback plays in your classroom. Google Classroom makes it easier for teachers to give timely, directed, specific feedback as students are working. If you would like help exploring, please let Penney Matos know!

Regulate Cell Phone Use in Schools

Oftentimes teachers have trouble figuring out the best way to manage cell phone usage in their classrooms and students often suffer separation anxiety when they're not fully connected. This article gives some helpful suggestions to help with both, teacher management and student anxiety.

Follow hashtags with #tagboard

Richard Byrne at Free Tech 4 Teachers created a short tutorial video on how to use Tagboard to follow hashtags on a variety of social media. 

If you use the site on an FISD filtered computer or wi-fi, if you are logged in to the filter, you will see results for Twitter, Google+ and Flickr but results for Facebook, Instagram and Vine may be blocked. If you use the site from home or on your data plan, you should see results for all of those platforms.

Try searching for these popular Educational hashtags:


#ntchat (new teachers)


See a more complete list of educational hashtags here

Monday, February 22, 2016

#whyiteach campaign

If you're looking for a little inspiration, take a look at #whyiteach. Teachers from around the country are using the hashtag #whyiteach to share the core reason for why they do what they do. Check it out!

Also take a look at Sharing #WhyITeach, Wondering Why You Do posted at Education Week: Teacher.

If you are interested in adding your own contribution feel free to use these templates or create your own. See Penney Matos for help! 

"I got 99 problems but Tech ain't one" from #4OCF

I highly recommend you and your PLC team read over 4 O'Clock Faculty's article "I got 99 problems but Tech ain't one". Great discussion topic for educators. #4OCF

Monday, February 15, 2016

New Google Forms Updates

Google Forms recently updated everyone to the newest version of Forms. With that change came some cool new features. Check out The Gooru's 4 Update to Google Forms You're Going to Love.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Kahoot: Ghost Mode

Kahoot is an assessment tool that can be used with BYOD or school owned devices.

How ghost mode works:
First, run a Kahoot game as you normally would. At the end of the game select "ghost mode" to run the game again. In ghost mode students play against their own scores from the previous game. Then when you run the game students will be competing against the "ghost" version of themselves from the previous running of the game. For example, I play a game as a student in the first running of a game then in the second running of the game I'll be competing against my previous score as well as those of my classmates.

This article explains all about it. 

How to Cite Social Media in Scholarly Writing

I thought this article titled How to Cite Social Media in Scholarly Writing was interesting and helpful!

Pixar in a Box

Pixar in a Box is a collaboration between Pixar and Khan Academy. Each topic begins with a design focused lesson which is appropriate for grades 5+, followed by a math focused lesson which is grade specific. Our lessons touch on concepts ranging from grade 4 through high school and beyond.

Explore how realistic blades of grass are modeled using parabolic arcs.

Explore how clay models are transformed into digital characters using weighted averages.

Explore how swarms of robots were created for WALL-E using combinatorics.

Explore how animators bring characters to life with the help of Animation curves.

Explore how virtual sets are constructed using geometric transformations.

Explore how pixels are painted by solving systems of linear equations.

Environment Modeling

·         Lesson 1: Modeling grass with parabolas - all ages
·         Lesson 2: Calculating parabolas - grades 7 - high school

Character Modeling

·         Lesson 1: Modeling with subdivision surfaces - all ages
·         Lesson 2: Mathematics of subdivision - grades 7 - high school


·         Lesson 1: Introduction to animation curves - all ages
·         Lesson 2: Mathematics of animation curves - grades 8 - high school


·         Lesson 1: Building crowds (combinations) - grades 4-7
·         Lesson 2: Counting crowds (binomial coefficient) - high school

Sets & Staging

·         Lesson 1: Geometric transformations - grades 7-8
·         Lesson 2: Mathematics of rotation - high school


·         Lesson 1: Rendering 101 - all ages

·         Lesson 2: Mathematics of rendering - high school+