Monday, December 14, 2020

Breakout Room Ideas


Thanks to Lisa Barton for this find! The article, How to create Google Meet Breakout Rooms, is written for Google Meet breakout rooms but the ideas can also be used with Zoom's breakout rooms too. 

For self-selected breakout rooms to work in Zoom:

  • the teacher must enable breakout rooms then when starting the rooms, don't assign anyone (read more)
  • students must use desktop client or mobile app, version 5.3.0 or higher (read more)

Monday, December 7, 2020

Canva's Storyboard/Comic Templates


Canva now has storyboard or comic strip templates! Check them out!

Catlin Tucker's Virtual Social Learning Spaces


Catlin Tucker recently posted about Enhancing Student Engagement with Virtual Social Learning Spaces. If you teach virtual classes, I recommend you take a look. 

Keep in mind that Padlet only allows 3 boards with their free account. Instead, consider using Collaborative Boards in Nearpod (which FISD pays for).