Monday, November 16, 2020

Catlin Tucker's Flip Flop Design for Concurrent Classrooms


If you teach a co-seated class, Catlin Tucker's recent post about Using a Flip Flop Design for Concurrent Classrooms might be of interest to you. 

Catlin Tucker's Building a Playlist


If you're interested in investigating playlists, I recommend you check out Catlin Tucker's recent post on Building a Playlist. Please let me know if you'd like any help or if you have questions!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Wheel of Names


If you haven't seen this little gem before, you should check it out. Copy and paste in a list of names and spin away!

Mustard Ketchup Pickles

This one makes me super happy. Thanks to Brandon Walters for sending it my way! Feel free to make your own copy and edit away!