Monday, January 29, 2018

Google's X Degrees of Separation - The Connection Between Artwork

Google has several different experiments in the works right now. One is their X Degrees of Separation where the user enters 2 artworks and Google finds a connection between them through other artworks. The purpose of X Degrees of Separation appears to be to show viewers how cultures can be connected through art. Each image that appears in the connections is linked to an individual page that will include a bit of information about the work.

Read more from Richard Byrne of Free Tech 4 Teachers. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Differentiation with Google Classroom

See this video for how you can use Google Classroom for differentiation by assigning different assignments, announcements, or questions to different students.

Econ Ed Link

It has been quite a while since I last looked at Econ Ed Link and in that time they have added more features and functionality. If you teach anything related to economics or finance, I recommend you check it out. 

Read more from Richard Byrne of Free Tech 4 Teachers. 

Math: EquatIO now includes graphing from Desmos

This article and the video above tell more about how EquatIO (formerly g(math)) and Desmos now work together. The EquatIO Chrome Extension allows users to easily add math equations and graphs into most Google things.

To access EquatIO, add the Chrome extension found here. Then open a Google Doc, Form, Sheets, Slide, or Drawing to use the extension. You may need to reboot the computer if it doesn't work correctly right away.


What is a #BookSnap? -- A BookSnap is simply a digital, visual representation used to annotate and share reflections of any excerpt of a book or text.


If you’re interested in investigating this further, please let me know! I’m super excited about having a way for our students to share their learning with the world! (And it could be a great #communication or #creativity 5C badge… just throwing that in there.)

Monday, January 15, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018

Google's Science Journal App

Google’s Science Journal App looks to be a new and promising app. The students’ phone features limit the data that can be collected through it but it could be fun to see what they can do.

Check out this article talking about the app and read more on the app download pages for iTunes and Google Play.