Monday, September 25, 2017

Quizlet's Interactive Diagrams

Quizlet recently added interactive diagrams. Read more.

Add these to your online classes!

These are some helpful links to add to your Google Classroom classes and your Learning Hub page. 

Google Classroom -- 
On the About tab, click Add class materials... then fill in the information (#1, 2, 3) and Post (#4).

This is what it looks like on a student's phone:

Learning Hub -- 
1- In your course, click Add Resource.
2- Make sure Topic list is the targeted location (this is the top of the page under the CHS logo).
3- Click URL.
4- Copy and paste in the information. 
5- Change Appearance to New Window.

6- Click Save and return to course.

Links to share
YouTube login directions

Filter login directions

Wilson Center's Collection of Declassified Documents

This is the Wilson Center's Collection of Declassified Documents. Find documents on all kinds of events in our history!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Chemistry Rap and Periodic Table resources

Check out Richard Byrne's post at Free Tech 4 Teachers with a Chemistry Rap and Periodic Table resources. Science is fun!

YouTube's Video Editor is Going Away

Google announced back in July that they are discontinuing the YouTube Video Editor. Enhancements are remaining, the clip editor is going away. Read more about it here and here.

Google's EDU in 90

EDU in 90 is a new video series from Google for Education. Each episode, we'll focus on an important topic for educators, administrators, and school leaders - things like product updates, new programs, and helpful resources for the classroom. 
Subscribe to the Google for Education channel to make sure you don't miss an episode!

FISD's Online Workshops

If you are looking for some professional learning courses, check out Eduphoria's Workshop or Strive for many online workshops. From Workshop, look under the Technology Integration category and under the T-TESS domains. Look for technology workshops like Everything Moodle, Google, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Communication. (Yes, these are 6 different workshops. We like our everythings!) Also checkout curriculum workshops like Power Standards, Formative Assessment 1 & 2, Differentiated Learning 1 & 2, Marzano's 6, and QSSSA! Holler if you have questions and if don't know the answers, I will find them. These workshops are delivered online so you can take the workshops in your pajamas from the comfort of your couch.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Google Drive Sync

Several people have recently run across articles stating that "Google Drive is going away". The old Google Drive Sync software is what's going away, or more accurately, being replaced by new software. Google Drive storage isn't going anywhere. 
Right now Backup and Sync by Google is the only functioning replacement. Later this month, Drive File Stream will also be available. I'll send out more information after we've had time to check it out and see which is the best option for FISD teachers and staff.