Monday, October 24, 2016

New Google Features

Google has rebranded Google Apps for Education (GAFE) as G Suite. Along with that recent change, last week they added a few more features to Google Docs and Google Forms. Read more

Google Docs Add-on: Writing Reviser

It is always helpful to get a second set of eyes to look over your writing. This might include peer review, teacher feedback, or even a text to speech tool to hear your words read back aloud to you. One other helpful tool is the SAS Writing Reviser Add-on. When you run this tool you can choose from 25 different tests that will check over your document. These include tests in sentence economy, sentence variety, sentence power, sentence clarity, and more. This can be helpful to give students additional insight into their writing and some possible corrections or improvement they may make when revising.

To add an Add-on:
Open a Google Drive Doc and select Add-ons.  Then search for SAS and add. J

Monday, October 10, 2016

Common Sense's Top EdTech Eleven

Common Sense publishes a Top EdTech Eleven list and updates it often. Check it out to see what they say is the best of the best in the world of EdTech.
If you have any questions or want someone to investigate with you, please contact your DLC, Penney Matos!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Math and Logic Problems

Check out this list of Math and Logic Problems. It covers puzzles for kids through mathematician. 

MS Office: Save to Drive

For an easy way to save from MS Office (Word, PPT, Excel) directly to Google Drive, install this add-on. A "Google Drive" tab will install on the ribbon and it will ask to connect to your Drive account. 

Uploaded files will remain in their original format until you tell it to open in the Google equivalent.

NOVA's School of the Future

4 O'Clock Faculty recently posted about this NOVA show on the School of the Future. It looks worth checking out. Read more about it from 4OCF.