Monday, August 29, 2016

Add to My Drive

Anytime you open a Google document, whether you have view only, comment or edit rights, it shows up on your Shared with me list in your Google Drive account. If you'd like to have the file moved to your My Drive list for easy access later, click the little drive icon at the end of the file's name at the top of the document. You can then organize it into your folder system within your Google: My Drive

Educational YouTube Channels

I recently ran across this list of educational YouTube channels. Take a look and see if any are a good fit for your class! If so, they're the perfect thing to add to the "Course Resources" in the top left block of your Learning Hub course. See Penney Matos for help!

Integrating Digital Citizenship in your Google Classroom

If you use Google Classroom with your students I highly recommend you take a look at this article. It addresses easy ways you can integrate digital citizenship through your Google Classroom course. 

iPhone Users -- Medical ID Set-Up

If you or someone you know uses an iPhone, it's a good idea to set up your Medical ID in case of emergency. You never know when an emergency may arise. This post from technology rocks. seriously. shows you how.

FREE Plagiarism Checkers

Check out these free plagiarism checkers!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Inspirational Classroom Posters

The technology rocks. seriously. blog has posted several inspirational posters for teachers to download, print and post around classrooms and hallways. Posters can be found on her August 16 and August 17 posts. Check out the blog for more posters.