Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Looking for a prompt to help with writing, artwork, improv, etc? Check out Users can select to add/remove adjectives, nouns, verb, adverb and location. 

Please keep in mind that some of the prompts generated are not necessarily school appropriate, more on the PG-13 side than G, so use this site to get a prompt BEFORE class. It may take a few tries to get one you like that can be used with your students.

Hyperlink YouTube videos

You and your students can easily create a "choose your own adventure" type video trail with YouTube's Spotlight feature.

Record and upload your video, when in edit mode select Annotations --> Add annotation --> Spotlight then place it where you want it located in your video. On the bottom right, click Link and add the URL for the video or playlist you want linked to.

Check out this example from students at Frisco HS.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Apple TV Settings for the Classroom

If you are interested in using an Apple TV along with your personal iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch or MacBook, please check out Apple TV Settings for the Classroom for lots of tips, tricks and things to be aware of. 

Google Keep

Google Keep is basically post-its for your Google Account. You can color code them, mark items off, share them with others and more! 

Check it out:
On Android

3 Minute Tip: Bookmark Basics

A Menagerie of Chrome Extensions


Be aware of the force being applied to your spine... 

23 statements that will make you rethink the world around you

Just for fun: is a website that lets you compare statistics about the United States to other countries throughout the world. 

The site pulls data from the 2014 CIA World Factbook and puts comparisons in easy-to-understand formats using icons in graphs and also explains the data in sentence form.

It also shows you a geographic comparison by overlaying the outline of the comparison country over your current location.

There's also a short "Brief History" of the country at the bottom of the page and at the top, a section called "Worldwide Etiquette" where you can view the basic etiquette standards for a small number of major countries. 

Check it out:

Automatic "Make a Copy" in Google Docs, Sheets & Slides

In Google Docs, Sheets & Slides you can easily turn a file into a template!

When editing the document, at the end of the URL take out the word "edit"... 

... and replace it with the word "copy". 

When someone opens the link it will automatically ask them to Make a Copy of the document! Wallah! Your Docs, Sheets or Slides file is now a template!

Khan Academy revisit

Khan Academy has grown over the past several years and now includes even more subjects. Check out the full list

Khan Academy also now includes not just videos but also interactives, assessments, articles, handouts and more!