Friday, January 23, 2015

Booktrack: Soundtracks for Books is a website (and apps also) that provides background music while you’re reading an ebook! The music usually goes with what you’re reading, so its helping set the mood. It looks like they already have some of the classics available. 

For anyone who's not much of a literature reader it could really help motivate them to want to read! 

There’s also Booktrack Classroom where teachers can create classes for students.

Teachers can control which books their students have access to (grade / age appropriate, etc.). Students can also “create” their own books with their own writing and add sounds to it!
o   They add music based on Emotion, Genre, or Style (so it really gets them thinking about what they’ve written.)
o   You can add sounds for very specific sections of text, or a whole chapter.  Very cool!
o   They can’t add pictures.  Its text only.
o   Students can read & rate each other’s books in their Class!

It might be cool for teachers to give students this as an option for reading!

Here's an overview video.

Using Google Drive to Improve Student Writing

Carroll ISD recently posted a blog entry on Using Google Drive to Improve Student Writing. It includes several tips and suggestions in addition to a list of helpful Google Docs Add-ons.

The History of the Hashtag

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning recently ran across a great visual timeline on the history of hashtag.

Great Photo Technology

1944-2014  Fascinating

Left click and hold on each photo, and then drag your mouse gently from left to right. The original photograph will be become a photo of the exact same location as viewed today - drag it back to the left and you are back in 1944!
It works both directions:

PBS Learning Media

PBS Learning Media now offers over 100,000 digital resources in its library for educators!

Read this article for more information or access PBS LearningMedia directly.

Vidra: Video Creator iPad App

If you're looking for an iPad app to easily create explainer and other types of videos, check out the new Vidra app

It’s A LOT like Adobe Voice.
  • Make individual slides and add your voice to each.
  • Large image / clip art library or upload your own
  • Sound library for background music or use your own.
  • Automatically combines slides into a single video.

But what makes this app better(?) is that the video will export to your iPad’s Photo Album and/or Youtube.  So the final video isn’t stuck only on a separate website like Adobe Voice.
  • Also, it doesn’t require an account.
  • You can draw your own sketches.
  • Text boxes are more traditional and have more space.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Chrome without Internet

The next time you see this little dinosaur in Chrome, click the Spacebar. Enjoy.

To force Chrome to this page: Load a page.  Turn off internet.  Refresh page.  Click Spacebar.  Enjoy.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Apple Maps Fly-Over Cities

If you have access to an iDevice, check out Apple's Maps Flyovers! 
A list of cities and landmarks can be found here

1) Open Apple's Maps app.
2) Search for a listed city or landmark.
3) Click "Start Flyover" on the top.

PicMonkey: FREE Photo Editor

Check out Amy Mayer's 3-minute tip video on PicMonkey:

PicMonkey is a free video editor that is super easy to use! There are some additional paid features but you should be able to clean up your images enough with the free options. 

Undergraduate Student Loan Calculator

Free Tech 4 Teachers recently posted about an online Undergraduate Student Loan Calculator created by the Hamilton Project

Check it out and share with your students!