Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Plot.ly: graphing in education

Finally: a scientific graphing tool for students and teachers. Import data from experiments or enter it manually into an online spreadsheet. Make scatter plots, bar charts, lines-of-best fit and much more.

Check out our quick-start to make your first Plotly graph!

Types of charts:

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

AppSmashing with Thinglink

This article has taken App Smashing to a new level. 

 AppSmashing with Thinglink

No one ever said you are limited to one app per project. In the example linked in this article, image products were created through a variety of apps then brought into Thinglink where interactive elements were added. These were then added to a Padlet page, an image made of that and brought in to Thinglink and each one linked to the picture. 

See Penney Matos if you're interested in exploring App Smashing!

Storing Non-Google Files in Drive


Amy Mayer addresses your default upload conversion setting, uploading non-Google compatable files (like Photoshop, images, etc) and a Chrome extension that lets you edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents without converting to the Google format. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014


GeoGebra is dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus in one easy-to-use package.

It looks worth investigating more…

Rockin' around the Geome-TREE
Educator Tom Rose of Chowchilla High School in California uses Geogebra, a free web app, to bring complicated math concepts to life.

“The app’s ability to move things around and dynamically see what changes and what doesn’t goes much further than the most well-written lecture notes,” Rose says. “Students love working with GeoGebra, and have no problem loudly saying ‘YES!’ when I tell them it’s ‘a GeoGebra day’ rather than another slideshow from Mr. Rose.”
 GeoGebra materials

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

10 Engaging Digital Education Sites for Any Social Studies Classroom

 Social Studies websites

ViewPure: YouTube without comments, ads or other distractions


When showing YouTube videos in class, consider using viewpure.com to get rid of the comments, ads and other distractions!

Google Drive: Adding Files to Multiple Folders

This video by Amy Mayer (friEdTechnology) addresses a few changes in the "new" Google Drive and also shows how to add a file to multiple folders at the same time.

Mind Mapping Comparison

Free Tech 4 Teachers recently compared 11 free online mind mapping tools. 
Check it out! (use Chrome)

10 Terrible Tech Annoyances That Should Be Illegal

Just because you need a good laugh...

Best Educational Websites 2014

Check out Larry Ferlazzo's Best Educational Websites of 2014 list. It's broken down by topic or subject.