Wednesday, November 19, 2014

PhET Sims

The University of Colorado has an awesome collection of online simulations covering topics including physics, biology, chemistry, earth science and math called PhET Sims
Use the links on the left side of their page for helpful resources.

Check out this page for an up-to-date, downloadable list of simulation compatibility by device.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Google Forms Cheat Sheet

 Google Forms Cheat Sheet at Shake Up Learning

Shake Up Learning put together a handy little Google Forms Cheat Sheet.

Take notice of:
Form Add-Ons (page 2)
Form Settings: Only allow one response per person, Shuffle question order (page 3)

See your Tech Facilitator with questions!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nearpod FREE Content

Nearpod allows teachers to construct presentations using the Nearpod website and deliver instruction to students by pushing content out to multiple devices at once. The teacher controls the presentation from a master device or computer, while students follow along on their own devices or computers. It's compatible with any mobile device (iTunes, Android, Windows), Chromebook, Mac or PC.
Nearpod has a gallery of pre-mad content that you can download, modify and use. Many, but not all, of this content is free.

Monday, November 10, 2014

24 Examples of Using Hashtags for Teaching and Learning

 Hashtags in Education

I know Twitter is blocked for students in FISD, but our students know what they are and they can be a fun way to engage students in classroom discussion.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Shake Up Learning's Guide to Using Google Drive Offline

Very handy.

Edutopia and Common Sense Media's Digital Citizenship Pinterest Board

Edutopia paired up with Common Sense Media to create a Digital Citizenship board on Pinterest. 

Take a look through their collection of infographics, posters and more!

TCEA's List of Recommended Chrome Apps and Extensions

Check out TCEA's list of recommended Chrome Apps and Extensions
If you would like any of these pushed out to students at our campus, please contact Penney Matos.

New Periodic Table Song

Check out this article from Te@chThought.
The video is near the bottom of the page.

Password Do's and Don'ts

Carroll ISD recently posted a good list of Password Do's and Don't.
Check out their recommendations!