Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Google Form Settings change

Google Forms has changed the settings on the top of the "edit form" page again, but the new options look like helpful ones! 

"Require FISD login to view this form" = This used to mean staff only or students had to be logged in to their account before opening the form; this is not the case anymore! This option requires a login into either a staff or student FISD account to access the form.

"Automatically collect respondent's FISD username" = If the first option is selected, this can be selected too and it will automatically collect their email address in a column (usually following timestamp) on your responses spreadsheet.

"Show progress bar at the bottom of form pages" = Helpful if your form has multiple pages; not so helpful for forms all on one page.

"Only allow one response per person" = Keep students from resubmitting! Helpful for quick assessments. Downside, if a student accidentally hits submit before they're finished, they can't go back and do it again.

"Shuffle question order" = Awesome for assessments!

For additional support, see Google's Forms Help.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Insert a Special Character with Sketching in Google Docs

When using a Google a Google Doc you are able to insert special characters such as a star, heart math symbols, and many others. What is really neat is that instead of searching through menus to find that special character, Google allows you to sketch the symbol you want and it will search for similar symbols for you to choose from.

Check out this article for more details!

Convert PPT to a Movie

Microsoft has put together these instructions on how to turn a PowerPoint (created in Office 2010) into a video file. This video can be uploaded to your YouTube channel to easily share with others.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is a fabulous resource for all things Educational Technology.

New in iOS8

Check out Tony Vincent's article and video highlighting helpful tips for teachers and students in Apple's new iOS8.

YouTube in Education

YouTube for Primary & Secondary Education is a collection of videos and channels that have been vetted and are recommended for use in education. If you find a channel (collection of videos) that you like you can subscribe to the channel for easy access. In your settings you can also set it to send you email notifications when new videos are added to the channel.

11 Great YouTube Channels for Teachers by Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Apps on CHS iDevices

We have sets of 15 iPad2s, 5 iPad1s, 15 iPod Touch Gen 3 (no camera), and 4 iPod Touch Gen 4 available for checkout through Eduphoria's Factilities & Events. The set of 15 iPads are picked up from Penney's desk in the South Workroom and all other devices are picked up from the Library.

See http://bit.ly/chsapps to view a list of apps that are already accessible through our CHS iDevice account.

See this handout for tips on evaluating apps for classroom use.

Single or Double Space

When typing in a web-based program (like the Learning Hub) and <Enter> gives you a double-space, use <Shift><Enter> to single space instead!

Monday, September 22, 2014

FISD's Secondary Tech Facilitator's Pinterest Boards

The Secondary FISD Technology Integration Facilitators maintain a set of helpful Pinterest boards. They are broken into categories where "apps" means iTunes apps and "tools" means websites.

Carroll ISD Technology Blog

Nearby Carroll ISD has a very helpful Instructional Technology Blog. You can search using tags/labels on the bottom of the page and subscribe to their emails on the right side of the page.

Free Technology for Teachers written by Richard Byrne

Free Tech 4 Teachers (best in Chrome) is one of my all time favorite resources. Richard Byrne is a former high school social studies teacher who now spends his time finding awesome classroom resources for all content areas.

You can follow him on FacebookTwitter, Pinterest, Google + and more!

Tech and Learning website

Tech & Learning has tons of ideas and tools for ed tech leaders. If you're interested in a technology topic, chances are you'll be able to find information on it here.

Learning in Hand with Tony Vincent

Tony Vincent includes many iPad focused tips and suggestions on his Learning in Hand website.