Monday, August 29, 2022

a picture is worth a thousand words

When presenting information to students, it's important to pay attention to the students' experience. If you have traditionally lectured from slides with lots of words, I encourage you to reconsider. Please take a few minutes to read "NONLINGUISTIC REPRESENTATION: A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS" from TCEA's TechNotes in June.  Read more.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Ice Breaker Templates


TCEA recently posted these Ice Breaker templates. Check them out!

New Chromebook Screencast Tool!

No more need for loom, screencastify, or screencastomatic! Chromebooks now have a Screencast Tool that includes automatic transcripts, annotations, and editing! Read more.

Don't forget, we also have licensing for WeVideo in FISD if you need to use green-screen or need collaborative editing features. Contact your DLC for more info!

Five Tops or Great Classroom Center Management


While the pictures are from elementary, these same steps are applicate in secondary classrooms too! Read more.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Replacing Exams with Performance Tasks

In Frisco ISD we don't have final exams but it's still a good idea to focus on more performance tasks over tests or exams. Check out Catlin Tucker's recent post about the topic.
Read more

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Matos’s Favorite Finds from TCEA

Here are my favorite finds from the TCEA (Texas Computer Educators Association) Convention…

Brain break/calming sites

  • Weave Silk (you can drag a color circle onto another and they blend, the faster your mouse moves the more it shows the 2nd color)

  • Color Mandala – very good for my symmetrical, organized brain!

Radial Timers

Amazon’s Leadership Principles

  • Along the lines of what our students need to be Future Ready… These are the principles that Amazon leaders focus on every time they meet and in every decision they make. A trainer from Amazon shared these and stressed how they guide everything they do. 


Canva Presentations

  • Magic Shortcuts - So fun! Create a quick Canva presentation then when in presentation mode, play with these:

  • Present and Record - You can record yourself giving the presentation!

  • If you don’t have a FREE educational Canva account, click here.

  • Canva for Education also includes a Classroom so you can manage your students and see their work! Adding students also gives them access to all of the additional FREE Educational resources. 

  • Creates a shortened URL for a short period of time. Great for sharing a URL with students when it’s just needed for that time during class. 

Crowd Buzzer

Gimkit update 

  • KitCollab - students can create content; you can pull from it to use

  • Now the free account allows as many people as you want & includes basic game types


  • Wakelet is like Pinterest for education. 

  • When creating a new board, select from several layout options.

  • Many types of items can be added to a Wakelet board. 

  • Boards can be used as a template for students to add their own resources to 

  • Boards can be collaborative for group work. 

  • Ideas of use:

  1. Backchannel during class

  2. Keeping track of resources/research

  3. Newsletters

  4. Calming Rooms (examples: MS, HS)

  5. Station work

  6. Sub plans (example; great for subs who can’t log into Canvas)

Building Culture in your School/Classroom

  • Culture is built 30 seconds at a time.

    • Stand in halls during passing periods and talk with kids!

    • Congratulate students on accomplishments

  • Idea to build relationships: 

  1. Pull out your phone, open photos. 

  2. Find one to share and tell the story. 

  3. 1 minute per person in pairs.

  • 3 key findings that work with EdTech

  1. Interactive learning

  2. Use of tech to explore and create rather than to drill and kill

  3. The right blend of teachers and tech

Monday, February 28, 2022

Enjoy Your Chromebook More


If you're looking for ways to customize your Chromebook, check out this post from TECA. Keep in mind that students and staff cannot add stickers directly to their FISD Chromebooks. You can, however, purchase a thin case to cover with stickers if you'd like. Read more.